Does anyone know of other Digital Thematic Research Collections from Am. Lit. 19th to early 20th Century other than these listed below? Please share. [By thematic, I mean how Carole L. Palmer uses the term in her essay “Thematic Resaerch Collections” in the Blackwell Companion to Digital Humanities–essentially to mean it has a stated argument or point of view for the presentation, more or less . . .
- John Bryant and Haskell Springer, “The Melville Electronic Library”
- Kenneth M. Price, Ed Folsom, et al., “The Walt Whitman Hypertext Archive”
- Stephen Railton, “Uncle Tom’s Cabin and American Culture”
- Martha Nell Smith et al., “Dickinson Electronic Archives”
- African American Women Writers of the 19th Century
- Sunday School Books in 19th Century America
- American Verse Project
- Documenting the American South: Library of Southern Literature
- Documenting the American South: North American Slave Narratives
- Early American Fiction
- The Mark Twain Papers and Project–not really anything here except for lists about what exists in the library proper
- The Writings of James Fenimore Cooper
- Women’s Travel Writing, 1830-1930
- Wright American Fiction, 1851-1875
- Society for the Study of American Women Writers
- Digital Libarary at Indiana University
- Willa Cather Archive
- Ibiblio Library at UNC
- Sarah Orne Jewett Text Project