This is only a test . . . anything I say or do at this point could be a result of HTML fatigue. This is only a test.
On the other hand, I’m tempted to include my first blog to see if my template will settle down and move to the right place. That happens right? All of its own accord? Being a relative newbie has its pluses and minuses, namely screwing things up. If you screw things up and it looks fabulous, you are a genius and an artist, but if you screw things up and they look screwed up, you don’t get positive status.
I spent some time this morning looking for a phrase that I’d like to put at the top of this blog (if I can ever figure that out). I’ve settled (for lack of having any more time to try and find something more appropriate to the named theme) on the above.
This is a quote from Go Gator and Muddy the Water: Writings by Zora Neale Hurston from the Federal Writer’s Project edited by Pamela Bordelon. The line is from verse collected by Hurston during her stint as a Florida folklorist.
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Welcome to the herd. ‘Bout durn time 😉
I like the header…
Yes, welcome, oh mysterious and as yet unidentified blogger.
Header is way cool.